Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Date Night!

And so the planning begins...

It has already been a month and somehow this is the first time we have gotten around to planning.  It's unfortunate how easily time can slip through your fingers when you have things like school and work occupying most of your time.  We finally decided that it was getting out of hand and we realized that we needed a mandatory date night. So, we cleared the beds, spread out the maps, grabbed the beers and the books, and got down to business.

A few weeks ago we stopped by the public library to check out a few travel books on the states and national parks we plan to visit.  We had such a good time perusing the stacks and and flipping through all of the scenic pictures of the National parks.  It is amazing how little people use such a useful (free) resource.

We dedicated our night to the first three days of the trip...

First stop, Vegas. In our efforts to keep things as cheap as possible, we've decided to opt out of the hotel and club scene and either camp near the strip, or stay at a friend's house. We do still plan to gamble and win some extra spending money for the trip though... we'll let you know how that goes.

Second stop, Zion National Park. In our research tonight we read a suggestion that if we will only be in the park for one day we should take one of the free shuttles from Zion Mt. Carmel Highway to Zion Canyon Scenic Drive. Of course, we would prefer to hike or bike, but we will be limited on time because we will be headed to Salt Lake City in the same day.

Third stop, Salt Lake City, Utah. Two things we know for sure about Salt Lake; we want to go to the lake, and we have to visit the temple. We read about antelope island at the lake that we would like to take a ferry out to with our bikes and bike around for a bit. Christina's brother, Charles lives in Salt Lake so we will be staying with him for a couple nights before heading toward Yellowstone.