Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cruisin' the Strip

Vegas might seem like a silly first stop for two people on a road trip trying to save as much money as possible. For us though, we know how to do Vegas right and still walk away with a full savings jar. It only took us a few minutes in Sin City for us to realize how unnecessary it was for us to pack our heels and dresses to go out in, especially if we had no desire to hit the clubs or even the casinos. What does one do in Las Vegas you ask then?

You bike... on the strip... with fanny packs full of keystone light.

Our goal was to spend no extra money, meet as many people as possible, have an unforgettable night, and get to bed at a decent hour to wake up for our travels the next day. When you think about it, the strip is really just one huge party with all kinds of people, most of which are intoxicated, and all of which who are just looking to have a good time. So, we packed up the fanny packs with keystone and snacks, hopped on our bikes and headed out! Words won't suffice to explain exactly how much fun we had, but here's a few snapshots to give you an idea.

We found the perfect spot behind Paris hotel to lock our bikes up so we could roam for a bit. On the way back to our bikes, we came across some musicians playing a nice little beat that we couldn't resist dancing to. Shortly after the dance party began, we were joined by a lady in an electric powered wheel chair who proved to be one of the best dancers we've ever seen. It wasn't long until the crowds started forming, pulling out their cameras and video recorders. Unfortunately we don't have any documentation of the event because we were too caught up in the bliss of the moment to pull out the camera, but we are pretty confident that there will be a youtube posting soon. Just search for "girls with fanny packs dance with lady in wheel chair on vegas strip". 

Top night. In bed by 11pm, up by 8am to head toward Salt Lake City, Utah.

1 comment:

  1. the pic in front of the bellagio fountains is freakin awesome
