Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yellowstone National Park

We could write many pages on our experience at Yellowstone National Park – it was an adventure we will never forget! We had lots of fun despite the freezing temperatures and saw some amazing sites! Here are some highlights from our days in Yellowstone:

           Our campground                     Snow in June??? Say what!?!?!

Guess we'll have to sleep in the car...

Early morning falls...freezing but BEAUTIFUL!

Choosing not to spend another freezing cold night in the car, we started heading for the north entrance to leave the park a day early. 

Until we found these...

As we headed North, temperatures kept climbing and we started thinking that we could definitely handle one more night in Yellowstone. The scenery was just too beautiful to leave!

Then we stumbled upon Madison campground near the geysers and decided we had to stay. This was the view from our campsite.

It was even warm enough to cook dinner!

We may be camping, but we still know how to cook delicious vegan food.

The cold night in our tent (a whopping 25 degrees) proved to be worth it. When we woke up we were surrounded by bison and a beautiful sunrise.

And we had time to see the Mammoth hot springs on our way out the next morning.

Yellowstone was by far our best experience yet. Despite our poor planning and lack of warm clothing, the beauty of Yellowstone blew us away. One of the best lessons we learned through our experiences here is to make best of what would usually be seen as misfortunes. Things like sleeping in the car, using fuzzy socks for gloves and headbands for ear warmers are some of our fondest memories.

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